Refugee is not a slacker.

SOS. Please read this letter. Give me 2 minutes of your precious time. I really need your help.

I'm Zubatenko Yana, from the city of Donetsk, Ukraine. Because of the war in the east of Ukraine I with my young son and my mother left Donetsk and moved to Kiev. Since that time I hard working, because I have to live. But now, my strength and energy leaving me...

Three years ago, a war started near my house. We lived there where the first military actions began - Peski. The first battles for Donetsk airport began. The first bombs exploded. We ran to the basement to hide. And I fell down the stairs into this pit. I fell very heavily. I injured my right leg.

Then there was an escape from the war. I with the child and mum left Donetsk by the last train to Ukraine. We could have taken only documents and one suitcase from our past life. We left for a new life. To a new city. Where there are no relatives. No friends. All my life I had to start again.

The government does not help to refugees at all.

In Kyiv I rent an apartment, arrange a child at the kindergarten, find a job. My mother was very sick already then, because she is disabled. I managed to arrange her to nursing home for the disabled. On the small savings that I had, I opened a small sewing workshop. And work, work, work. Work without days off. Work 80-90 hours per week. Work for my son, for my mother's sake. Because of the war, in 40 years the whole life began again ...

My damaged leg, of course, all that time was sick. It hurt every second. During all three years. Painkiller pills and calcium tablets relieved the pain, for an hour, sometimes at night. I got used to the pain. But one day I just couldn't even get out of bed. My leg was cramped and pain was all over the body. I was put in a hospital. Studies, tests, X-rays and medical evidence at the end: the right leg became 2 cm shorter, coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 4th degree and necrosis. My right leg is destroyed. The left leg is still working, but begins to "suffer" Behind the right.

Institute of Traumatology of Ukraine concluded:

1. Treatment is not effective.

2. Only endoprosthetics of the right hip joint will help. This will give an opportunity to live, work, walk and run for another 30 years.

3. If do not make prosthetics today, in the nearest future will destruct the hip joint of the second leg and will not being able to walk.

I am 42 years old now. My son is 8 years old. I am dreaming to recover. I am dreaming about earning money to buy my own apartment, because our house in Donetsk the war had destroyed. I am dreaming about giving my son a good education. Also I plan to develop my small business, which I really love. But all dreams and plans can be destroyed. My child's future may be ruined.

I really need the prosthesis. The cost is very high for a family of refugees affected by the war. The operation at the Kiev Institute of Traumatology costs $ 5000. I don`t have time to earn this money. Strength and energy goes away every day.

Help me please stand on my feet. I will work out your kindness! I am a good master of sewing. I know and love my work for 25 years. If you will ever be in Kiev, know that you will have your own sewing master. You will not be disappointed!

Thank you. I cant sell my house in Donetsk, because i have already nothing there. Excuse me please. I'm very ashamed to be a beggar. But I have no other choice.

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